New internet video marketing technologies have created powerful opportunities. Video based marketing strategies once only available to large corporations are now affordable for small businesses. Savvy internet marketers are developing winning strategies for their clients through the implementation of internet video.


Videos are personal and who better to discuss your service or product than you? It creates familiarity and trust with you and your company, which allows the prospect to feel like they already know you.

The major search engines Google and Yahoo have both adopted a “universal” approach to search rankings, that is to include not only the traditional text based results but also higher rankings given to video and audio based content. Google Universal Search melds image, video, pod cast, news, blog and other vertical search results into one page of relevant information. The highest rankings are generally given to video content.


Now is the time to react and make internet video marketing a key ingredient in the future of your marketing strategies.



Why invest in Internet Video Marketing:

  • Build relationships with current & potential customers by sharing information and expertise.

  • Gain new clients through targeted internet search.

  • Expose your business on a local or national level.

  • Build brand awareness, trust and loyalty.

  • Improve the capability of your website, which in turn will communicate and convince potential customers to purchase your goods or services.


What We Deliver:

  • A planning meeting to discuss pre-production in order to determine video topics, shoot location and talent.

  • Keyword analysis of search terms.

  • High Definition video shoot with state of the art equipment.

  • Digital High Definition video editing.

  • Video graphics creation and implementation.

  • Video compression that is compliant with the various Internet video distribution points.

  • Video distribution to a variety of predetermined Internet video sharing sites such as, YouTube, Google Video, Howcast, Revver, Graspr and Viddler.

  • Embed code provided for video integration into client’s website. High speed Flash based video hosting is included in the package. (valued at $400.00 per month!)


Next Step:

Our team of professionals are prepared to meet with the client, discuss internet marketing objectives, develop an internet video marketing strategy, and deliver a proposal that is custom designed to achieve your specific goals.